GLaDOS - AI Trading Terminal

GLaDOS is an AI bot powered by multiple deep learning neural networks, which have been developed specifically for use by traders

The models have been trained on vast amounts of time series and language data from both cryptocurrency and traditional financial markets

The GLaDOS Discord bot provides analysis split into seven different tiers, offering token-gated access based on a user’s staked $DOS balance

Tier 5 – GLaDOS Trading Algorithm

The GLaDOS Trading Algorithm is an autonomous AI trading strategy that is powered by an RNN-style Deep Learning Neural Network

Our bot runs multiple Attention-LSTM models over a large list of crypto & traditional markets to generate Long-Short trading strategies based on pattern recognition

GLaDOS has been trained on a large array of time series data from both crypto and traditional markets

All trades include a Target & Stop Loss at which they would be considered successful or invalidated

Backtests on $BTC $ETH $LINK & $SOL have shown a average 68% success rate over H2 2023 simulations

Trades generated by this algorithm will be pushed to the Tier 5 gated discord channel in an easy to read format that includes $TICKER, Entry price, Buy/Sell, Target & Stop Loss

Tier 6 – TBA

XXXXXX Building in Stealth XXXXXX

*Tier 6 is still currently under construction with a beta release set to launch in H1 2024*

Tier 7 – TBA

XXXXXX Building in Stealth XXXXXX

*Tier 7 is still currently under construction with a beta release set to launch in H1 2024*